Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder


Aircraft are assessed for property tax purposes based on their type and usage and must be reported on the Aircraft Property Statement (Form 577). Aircraft are categorized into general aircraft, certificated aircraft, fractionally owned aircraft, and historical aircraft, each with specific assessment methods and requirements.

General Aircraft

  • Definition: Privately owned aircraft used for personal or business purposes, not authorized for commercial passenger, mail, or freight transport.

  • Valuation: Assessed based on market value using the Aircraft Bluebook-Price Digest or V-Ref Aircraft Value Reference.

  • Tax Situs: Located and taxed in the county where the aircraft spends the most time on the ground when not in flight.

Certificated Aircraft

  • Definition: Aircraft operated by air carriers under a certificate issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board or California Public Utilities Commission.

  • Assessment: Values are allocated across jurisdictions based on flight and ground time, as well as arrivals and departures during a BOE-designated representative period.

Fractionally Owned Aircraft

  • Definition: Aircraft fleets managed by a company, with ownership divided among multiple owners in a timeshare-like arrangement.

  • Assessment: Taxed on a fleetwide basis to the managing company, with values allocated based on county-specific flight activity compared to worldwide fleet activity.

  • Coordination: A lead county assessor facilitates reporting, allocation calculations, and multi-county audits.

Historical Aircraft

  • Definition: Aircraft of historical significance, including those 35 years or older or with fewer than five models existing worldwide.

  • Exemption Requirements:

    1. Owned by an individual not holding it for sale

    2. Not used for commercial or general transportation

    3. Displayed publicly at least 12 days in the year prior to the lien date