Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Free Public Library or Free Museum Claim

Property used for free public libraries is exempt from assessment by the California Constitution (Section 3(d) of article XIII) and Revenue and Taxation Code §202. Libraries that charge admission may qualify for the Welfare Exemption if their properties are owned and operated by non-profit organizations meeting all the requirements of §214.

In addition to being free, the library must be open to the general public on a regular basis, and the public must be made aware that such is the case. 

The property may be owned or leased, but it must be used as a free public library as of the January 1 lien date. To apply for the Free Public Library Exemption, a claim form must be filed each year with the assessor of the county where the property is located. The claim form, BOE-268-B, Exemption for Property Used by a Free Library or Free Museum, is available from the county assessor (or claim form BOE-263, Lessor's Exemption Claim, if the property is leased). To receive the full 100 percent exemption for property owned or leased on the January 1 lien date, the claim must be filed by February 15. Please download the form linked below to file a claim in Tulare County.


Please click below to download the form: