Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Acknowledgement Sample
Acknowledgement Sample

California SB 1050 changed the form of statutory certificates of acknowledgment, jurat and proof of execution to reduce fraud by adding a consumer disclosure to each certificate.

Birth Records
Birth Records

Vital Statistics: Application for Record

Purchase online with VitalChek

Death Records
Death Records

Need a copy of a death certificate? You can download, print and submit in person a completed form to Tulare County Clerk, 221 S. Mooney Blvd., Rm. 105, Visalia, Calif., between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM. You can also mail a notarized application and payment to the address above, and your certificate will be mailed to you.

Purchase online with VitalChek

Fictitious Business Name
Fictitious Business Name

Anyone regularly conducting business for profit in California under a name different from their legal business name must file a Fictitious Business Name Statement within 40 days of starting operations.

To file your Fictitious Business Name Statement or make changes to your FBN by mail, you can download the applicable form from this page.

Marriage Certificates by Mail
Marriage Certificates by Mail

Applications for public or confidential marriage records and official marriage licenses.

Purchase online with VitalChek.

Preliminary Change of Ownership
Preliminary Change of Ownership

When real property is transferred, the new owner (buyer) must complete and file a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR) with the County Recorder’s Office in the county where the property is located (Revenue and Taxation Code §480.3).

Recorded Document Cover Page
Recorded Document Cover Page

To be used as a cover page when filing a document with the County Recorder to provide adequate space for recording information (additional recording fee applies).

Recorded Document Request Form By Mail
Recorded Document Request Form By Mail

To be used to request a copy of a document on file with the County Recorder's Office by mail. Instructions are provided on the form.

Request for Military Discharge
Request for Military Discharge

Certified Copy of DD214 

Copies of a military discharge record (DD-214) may only be received by authorized persons, including the veteran, the veteran's family, a county office providing veteran benefits, or a United States official. No fee is charged to obtain certified copies of the record.