
Employee Housing

Building and Permit

Encroachment and Transportation Permits

Waste Management








Employment Verification
you may request an employment verification by telephoning Tulare County Human Resources and Development at (559) 636-4900, or by faxing a request for written verification at (559) 730-2597.

 Request Public Records
The California Legislature has declared that access to information concerning the conduct of the public’s business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in the state. The California Public Records Act requires public records to be available to the public upon request. 

RMA may request additional information if the request is not specific enough to permit identification for the requested records. While RMA shall disclose identifiable and existing records, RMA is not required to synthesize, manufacture, or summarize records, i.e., develop new records in response to a request.

Who may request Public Records:
Any person, Corporation, Partnership, Limited liability company, Firm, Association, Any elected member or officer of any local agency, and the requester does not have to be a U.S. citizen.

How to request Public Records:
RMA does not require that the request be in writing. A request can be made by telephone, email, in person or in writing. We suggest a written request for clarification of what is requested.

Contact the Resource Management Agency at:
5961 S. Mooney Blvd.
Visalia, CA 93277

Phone: (559) 624-7000
Fax:  (559) 730-2653


A complete list of statutory exemptions is found in the California Government Code §6254 and is available upon request. Records exempt for disclosure that pertain to RMA include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Preliminary drafts, notes, or inter-office memoranda which are not retained by RMA in the ordinary course of business, provided that the public interest in withholding such records clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure;
  • Records pertaining to pending litigation to which RMA is a party, or to claims made until such litigation or claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled;
  • Personnel, medical, or similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
  • The contents of real estate appraisals or engineering or feasibility estimates and evaluations made for or by RMA relative to the acquisition of property, or to prospective public supply and construction contracts, until all of the property has been acquired or all of the contract agreement obtained.

Under the California Public Records Act, Government Code §6258, any person may seek injunctive or declarative relief in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the right to inspect or to receive a copy of any public record.

What is Employee Housing?
In general, Employee Housing refers to housing provided by employers or private property owners for five employees or more. Employee housing may consist of any living quarters, dwelling, boardinghouse, tent, bunkhouse, maintenance-of-way car, mobilehome, manufactured home, recreational vehicle, travel trailer, or other housing accommodations, maintained in one or more buildings or on one or more sites, and the premises upon which they are situated or the area set aside and provided for parking of mobilehomes or camping of five or more employees.

How is Employee Housing Regulated?
Employee Housing in California is regulated by the Employee Housing Act. This act was enacted to ensure that persons living in privately owned and operated employee housing facilities are provided with a living environment that complies with the State of California's health and safety requirements. The Act regulates maintenance, use, and occupancy of employee housing and requires permanent buildings to comply with the State Housing law. In Tulare County, the Employee Housing Act is administered by the Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA).

When is a Building Permit Required?
The Uniform Building Code Section 106 – Permits

106.1 Permits Required:
         " No building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official."
106.2 Work Exempt from Permit:
  1. One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.
  2. Fences not over 6 feet.
  3. Oil derricks.
  4. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches high.
  5. Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge of impounding Class I, II or III – A liquids.
  6. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5, 000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2:1.
  7. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or story below.
  8. Painting, papering and similar finish work.
  9. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery.
10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R, Division 3, and Group U Occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches.
11. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R, Division 3 Occupancy in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons.

Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits will be required for the above-exempted items. (Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.

Note: The Permit Center will issue permits Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 to 4:30 and 9:00-11:00 on Fridays.

How do I obtain a Building Permit?
Only the property owner or a licensed contractor can be issued a permit.   
Submit to Tulare County Resource Management Agency

1. Three (3) Plot Plans showing all of the following:
     a. Show all buildings and size's.
     b. Show well and septic system with distances to structure and distance  apart.
     c. Streets and setback's to all property lines
     d. Assessor's Parcel Number   

2. Two (2) complete sets of Building Plans drawn to scale, 1/8" minimum:
     a. Foundation, basement, crawl space, or slab on grade.
     b. Floor Framing Plan. (show girder locations & joist size and spacing).
     c. Floor Plan.
     d. Elevation's. (north, south, east, and west)
     e. Roof Plan showing ceiling joist layout, rafter layout, post and beams or truss layout.
     (trussed roofs require all calculations from manufacturer at time of submittal).
     f. Cross section and details.
     g. Plumbing Plan.
     h. Mechanical Plan.
     i. Electrical Plan.
     j. All engineering data.
     k. All energy calculations for California Title-24 requirements.   

Additional requirements for obtaining a building permit for new construction within the
State Responsibility Area (S.R.A):

1. Submit two (2) copies of Improvement Plans for driveways and roads.
    The plans should include the following:
     a. Show length and width of driveway from access road to the residence.
     b. Show width of driveway.
     c. Show road grade.
     d. Show vertical clearance.
     e. Show type of surfing used and that it meets the 40,0001b load limit.
     f. Show location and size of turnouts (if applicable).
     g. Show location and type of turn around if applicable.
     h. Show gate location & direction of opening if proposed.

How much does a permit cost?
Permits costs are based on the type of the construction and the scope of the building permit. Please contact 624-7000 for details.

Can a Homeowner purchase the permit?
Yes, but the Homeowner then becomes the Contractor of record.

Who may draw plans for construction?
Commercial Plans must be drawn up by an Architect or Engineer licensed by the State of California. The plans must be drawn to scale.

Residential Plans may be drawn up by a Draftsman or the homeowner. The plans must be drawn to scale.

When are School Fees required?
New construction on commercial structures and new construction of residential building as well as additions that exceed 500 square feet, require that a school fee be collected before issuing a building permit.

Depending on the school district you are building in, the fees will vary according to which fee schedule the district has adopted. Currently, residential fees are between $3.20 to $7.94 per square foot and commercial is between $.30 and $.60 per square foot.

If you have any additional questions please contact us:                       

Government Plaza (RMA Headquarters)
5961 South Mooney Boulevard
Visalia , California 93277
Phone (559) 624-7000 FAX (559) 730-2653

How do I request an Inspection?
Inspection requests are taken by phone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All request received before 7:30 am will be performed that day.
To make an inspection request, you can use our online citizen access portal at or call the Tulare County Inspection IVR System (a recorder) (559) 624-7104 and follow the instructions.

Before making the call please have the following information available:
    Building permit number
    Inspection Code Number

1. A building permit should be obtained before any construction work begins.
2. Permit holder is responsible to request inspections on their projects.
3. At the time of an inspection request, the work to be inspected needs to be complete and ready for the inspector.
4. All conditions from other departments shall be met before a “final” inspection can be preformed.
5. Buildings will not be occupied before a final inspection approval by the Building/Zoning Inspector.

Who do I contact for a complaint about abandon vehicles, substandard buildings and building violations?
For Complaints on abandon vehicles, substandard buildings and building violations, please call (559) 624-7000.

What is required for a Mobile Home permit?
1. Call or visit the Permit Center and talk to a Planner to make sure that a mobilehome can be placed on the property.
2. Three (3) copies of a plot plan showing the following:
a.   All buildings and sizes.
b.   Well and septic systems with distances to mobilehome.
c.   Streets and setbacks of all property lines.
3. Assessor's parcel number.
4. If awnings are to be installed, show size and valuation. (Awnings must also be shown on plot plan)
5. Purchase price of mobilehome, size, number of bedrooms, and HUD numbers (insignia numbers).
6. Owner should be aware of school impact fees.

Note: The Permit Center will issue permits Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 to 4:30 and 9:00-11:00 on Fridays.

You may contact us at:                              

Government Plaza
5961 South Mooney Boulevard
Visalia, California 93277
Permit Center FAX (559) 730-2604
Phone (559) 624-7000 Administration FAX (559) 730-2653

What is required for Encroachment Permit?
Any work to be performed within Tulare County maintained road right-of-way requires the issuance of an encroachment permit.  There are three (3) types:
1. Blue application form - Utility/Public Agency Permits.
Requires liability insurance certificate only.
2. Yellow application form - All concrete work including curb and gutter/concrete drives/sidewalk.
Requires liability insurance certificate and encroachment bond.
3. White application form - All other work including sewer, water, electric service, paved driveways, pipeline, TV cable, etc.
Requires liability insurance certificate and encroachment bond.
All encroachment and transportation permits require a certificate of liability insurance  naming Tulare County and its employees as additionally insured.

A $500,000 minimum of either auto liability or general liability is required and the following phrase must be typed verbatim on all certificates of insurance:

Note: The Permit Center will issue permits Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 to 4:30 and 9:00-11:00 on Fridays.

When is a Transportation Permit Required?
To move over-size structures or equipment that do not meet legal loads on Tulare County maintained roadways.
Requires liability insurance certificate only.
All encroachment and transportation permits require a certificate of liability insurance  naming Tulare County and its employees as additionally insured.

A $500,000 minimum of either auto liability or general liability is required and the following phrase must be typed verbatim on all certificates of insurance:

When is a Bond required for Encroachment Permits?
Bond is required for all Encroachment Permits except for Utility/Public Agency Permits.

The bond shall be between $5,000 and $25,000, depending on the size of the job, to be determined by the Tulare County Permit Agent.

Water and Sewer Districts
Delft Colony Sewer and Water (Dinuba)
Seville Sewer (Seville & Visalia)
Tonyville Sewer (Lindsay)
Tooleville Sewer (Exeter)
Traver Sewer (Traver)
Yettem Sewer & Water (Yettem)
Wells Tract Sewer & Water (Woodlake)

Billing inquires – 624-7000
Emergency – 271-1140   

Payment Locations

Permit Center
Resource Management Agency
5961 Mooney Blvd, Visalia, Ca

Tulare County Road Yard  (Terra Bella payments ONLY)
23689 Camphor, Terra Bella, Ca

Payment Methods
To make a payment online CLICK HERE
Cash- We do not give change
Check- Made out to your water and sewer district
Money Order- Made out to your water and sewer district  
We do accept credit cards or ATM cards.

Payments made after the 25th may reflect on the next billing cycle

How do I get the potholes in my road fixed?
Click Here to contact the Tulare County Road Yard nearest to the location of the pothole

My road floods after every rain.  Why doesn’t the County do something?
Roadway flooding may occur due to clogged drainage inlets, natural dips in a road causing a low spot to collect run-off and many other reasons.  If you notice a flooding issue, please click here to contact the appropriate district for which the flooding is located.

How do I request having my road resurfaced?
Please call (559) 624-7000 or report a road issue here.

Can I get a STOP sign installed on my street to slow down the vehicles?
Click here to view the TIP Sheet on STOP signs

How do I get the speed limit lowered on my street?
Click here to view the TIP Sheet on Speed Zones                    23

The STOP sign near my house is missing or damaged.  What should I do?
Call the Resource Management Agency at (559) 624-7000 during normal working hours or call your local law enforcement agency.

How can I get a streetlight installed on my street?
The County Board of Supervisors has adopted a policy for the installation of street lights on County roads (Board Resolution No. 71-4871).  This policy states that the County will consider installing street lights when one or more of the following conditions occur:

A.  At an intersection where there is a traffic volume of at least 2,000 vehicles per day on one street and at least 1,000 vehicles per day on the other street.

B.  At an intersection where there is channelization of traffic if there is sufficient use of the intersection during the night to justify the installation of street lights.

C.  At street locations other than intersections where there are special hazards due to adverse or restricted alignment, or clearance or sight distance hazards such as railroad crossings and narrow bridges, and if experience has indicated that lesser warning devices will not be effective.

D.  At street locations where two or more accidents of a type which might have been prevented by street lighting have occurred within a 12 month period.

The County will consider the installation of street lights at intersections under the following circumstances:

A.  If, at a 4 legged intersection, there are at least 18 dwellings or businesses located within 330 feet of the intersection.

B.  If, at a "T" or "L" intersection, there are at least 14 dwellings or businesses located within 330 feet of the intersection.

If you think you meet these requirements, contact the Resource Management Agency to request a street light.

How do I get centerline stripes painted on my street?
If your street is a major system street, the factors to be evaluated in determining the necessity of striping the street are as follows:

1.   Average Daily Traffic volume not less than 300 vehicles.
2.   Designated as a through highways by the Board of Supervisors (all
intersecting streets are required to stop).
3.   Special hazard due to alignment or surface conditions.
4.   Multi-lane facility.
5.   High motor vehicle accident rate.
6.   School bus route.
7.   Heavy fog area.
8.   Predominantly recreational traffic route or service.

Any of the above conditions qualifies a major system street for striping if the paved surface is at least 20 feet wide.

If your street is a minor system street, the factors to be evaluated in determining the necessity of striping a minor street are as follows:

            1.   Average daily traffic volume not less than 200 vehicles.
            2.   Frequent hazardous horizontal or vertical curves with sub-standard sight distance.
            3.   Continuity with other striped routes.
            4.   Designated through highway.
            5.   High motor vehicle accident rate.
            6.   School bus route.
            7.   Heavy fog area.
            8.   No internal subdivision street will be striped unless it qualifies for striping under one of the factors listed above.

Any of the above conditions may qualify a minor system street for striping if the paved surface is at least 18 feet wide and if monies are available to install and maintain the stripe.

If you think your street meets the above requirements, contact the Resource Management Agency to request centerline striping.

How do I get edge lines painted on my street?
The County will consider installing edge lines (aka fog lines) on a street based on the following criteria:

I.       Minor System Roadways - Right edge line may be placed on the minor system if:
         A.     The roadway has a centerline stripe, the pavement width is at least 26 feet, and
         B.      The road is located in a heavy fog area, or
         C.     The horizontal alignment of the road restricts the safe traveling speed to less than 45 miles per hour.

II.      Major System Roadways - Right edge line may be placed on the select system if:
         A.     The roadway has a centerline stripe, the pavement width is at least 26 feet, and
         B.      The road is located in a heavy fog area, or
         C.     The horizontal alignment of the road restricts the safe traveling speed to less than 45 miles per hour, or
         D.     The annual average daily traffic is at least 500 vehicles per day.        

III.    Residence District - Right edge line should not be installed on roadways within a residence district as defined in the California Vehicle Code.

IV.    Spot Locations - Regardless of any other conditions, right edge stripe may be installed at spot locations to delineate narrowing of the pavement or narrow bridge or other traffic hazards.

If you think your street qualifies for edge lines under the above guidelines, contact the Resource Management Agency.

People that work at the building across the street park in front of my house.   Can I put "No Parking" signs up in front of my house?  

The California Vehicle Code states that "no person shall place…or display upon, or in view of, any highway any unofficial sign…or any sign which purports to be an official traffic control device or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic…"  As a result, it is a violation of the Vehicle Code for a person to install any traffic control devices on their property.  However, the Vehicle Code does authorize cities and counties to regulate traffic by means of official traffic control devices.  Therefore, it is recommended that County residents contact the Resource Management Agency to request the installation of traffic control devices such as "No Parking" signs.

My community organization would like to have a parade through our town.  Do we need a permit for that?
Yes.  You may fill out the online form.  Click here to open the fillable Parade Permit Application
How do I report Road Hazards?
Contact RMA at (559) 624-7000