The primary responsibility of the Planning Division is to provide professional advice and service to the Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, CAO and other staff members regarding all matters pertaining to planning and zoning in accordance with the scope of County Ordinances and state planning laws. Click here for the Tulare County General Plan website for  current drafts and approved plans.

The planning staff considers a wide variety of matters, including subdivisions, zoning, annexations, conditional use permits, design review and assessment of environmental review, updating and implementation of the Tulare County General Plan. Click here for permits.

General Plan

Tulare County General Plan is a comprehensive, long-term plan for the future land use and physical development of the County though the year 2030.

Planning Documents

All current RMA documents of interest to both the public and private sectors, including ADA Transition Plans, County Standards, Community Assessments and natural disaster related publications.

Building Documents

Permits -  Building and land use permit, zoning information, code compliance information, encroachment permits, transportation permits, Employee Housing administration and Abandon vehicle abatement information. 

Environmental Planning

The Environmental Planning division prepares environmental documents such as exemptions, negative declarations and environmental impact reports for public and private projects for which a land use entitlement application is being processed.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is an entity that meets on issues concerning land use, building and subdivisions, administering the Zoning Ordinance and handles matters that affect the growth and development of the county.

Zoning & Entitlements

Planning and Processing - Zoning codes and Use permits