The possession, consumption, distribution, transportation, cultivation and growing of cannabis (marijuana) in the unincorporated areas of the County of Tulare must comply with federal law, state law and local ordinances and regulations, including County ordinances and regulations. It is the purpose and intent of Tulare County to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the residents and businesses within Tulare County by regulating the possession, consumption, distribution, transportation, cultivation, criteria and growing of cannabis.
The passage of Proposition 64 allows for six (6) cannabis plants per residence. County of Tulare Ordinances requires that all Cannabis be grown indoors, within a private residence, or within a fully secure enclosed accessory structure that meets Building Code standards; having a floor, walls and an opaque roof. If cannabis is being grown in an accessory structure, it shall be located on the grounds of a private residence in the rear area of the parcel. Medicinal cannabis shall be limited to twelve (12) plants per residence with physician recommendation. The County cannabis ordinances and regulations are found in the Tulare County Ordinance Code and Ordinance No. 352, commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance.
At no time, will Cannabis plants be allowed to grow outdoors including greenhouses.
For further information, refer to the ordinance below: