RMA Takes on the Housing Shortage with ADU Plans

Front of three-bedroom,
1200 S.F. ADU, designed
by Skylab.

With a housing shortage affecting the State of California, the RMA has made strides in providing free, pre-approved building plans for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). ADU's are small, independent living spaces located on the same lot as a primary residential building.

The plans that the County of Tulare is offering to residents are designed for use anywhere in the unincorporated areas of Tulare County. Those living within city limits may contact their city governments to inquire about ADU plans within their community.

The County is currently offering four new plans to the public in addition to the five other plans that the County originally offered. These plans range from studio homes to three-bedroom living spaces. They are not allowed to be altered but instead used exactly as they are designed.

The County of Tulare's ADU plans can be accessed and downloaded on the RMA's website. To learn more, please click the button below.

Questions? Contact Russell Kashiwa at (559) 624-7110 or via email at ADUquestions@tularecounty.ca.gov.

View our ADU Plans.