Environmental Impact Reports


This page includes Draft and Final EIRs, including associated environmental documents. The documents are sorted alphabetically by name.

March 15, 2023
Setton Pistachio Treated Wastewater Land Application Expansion Project

This page contains the environmental documents prepared for the Setton Pistachio Treated Wastewater Land Application Expansion Project.

December 13, 2023
Touchstone Pistachio Modification Project

This folder contains the environmental documents prepared for the proposed Touchstone Pistachio Modification Project.

February 3, 2021
Visalia Landfill - Compost and Biomass Conversion Facility

This folder contains the environmental documents for the Focused Environmental Impact Report for the Visalia Landfill - Compost and Biomass Conversion Facility Project.

The Project has been renamed Visalia Disposal Site and Compost Facility. The Project is scheduled to go before the Tulare County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.