The FEIR was made available on December 8, 2017.
This notice was published in the Visalia Times Delta on December 8, 2017.
The RDEIR addresses two additional Alternatives not included in the initial DEIR.
The 30-day commenting period began October 24, 2017 and ended on November 22, 2017.
This NOA was published in the Visalia Times Delta on October 24, 2017.
The DEIR was made available for a 45-day review period beginning on June 30, 2017 and ending on August 14, 2017.
The NOA was published in the Visalia Times Delta on June 30, 2017.
The commenting period for the Notice of Preparation for the Matheny Tract Wastewater System Project has been extended from February 13, 2017 to March 30, 2017.
The NOP review period began January 13, 2017 and ending on February 13, 2017.