View the latest RMA News, featured in our "In the Works" Newsletter. Data is attached to each edition for your convenience.
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The February 2025 Newsletter is out! In this edition, you will hear about the newest housing developments, employee highlights, and more projects that have happened this month. Read it now by visiting:
On February 21, VARCOMM hosted a groundbreaking ceremony in Terra Bella, Calif., a rural community approximately 30 miles southeast of Visalia, to kick off its new rural broadband expansion project in Tulare County.
At the beginning of February, a highly anticipated housing development by San Joaquin Valley Homes celebrated its grand opening in Goshen, featuring newly constructed homes, strategically located right off Highway 99, across Betty Drive.
I am with the Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA), collaborating with the grants team, as part of a partnership with CivicSpark, a branch of AmeriCorps.
The Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA)- Public Works branch, plays a critical role in maintaining and improving the county’s infrastructure. Within RMA, three distinct management groups oversee various aspects of public works, including engineering, surveying, and maintenance operations. One of these groups, Management Group 2 (MG2) – Design and Construction Management, is responsible for the planning, design, and construction of roadway and infrastructure improvement projects throughout the county.
The January 2025 Newsletter is out! In this edition, you will hear about the County's 2024 Recap, the EDO's newest Taco Trail endeavor, and more highlights that have happened this month. Read it now by visiting:
The Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA) is proud to highlight the milestones and accomplishments of its teams in 2024. These achievements would not have been possible without the trust and collaboration of our communities, the support of the County of Tulare Board of Supervisors, and our valued community partners.
The RMA Payroll Team has a demanding yet rewarding area of responsibility. From crunching numbers to adhering to tight deadlines, they ensure everyone is paid on time—sometimes working late into the evening to get the job done. The team consists of Debbie and Anet, two dedicated members of the Fiscal and Administrative Services team.
The Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA) has three distinct management groups, each housing engineers, surveyors, analysts, and many others who maintain the county’s infrastructure and ensure it operates smoothly. One of these essential groups, Management Group 1 (MG1)- Road Maintenance, plays a crucial role in keeping the county’s roads in good condition. This team, led by Chief Engineer Johnny Wong, is responsible for maintaining, repairing, and upgrading the extensive road network that spans Tulare County.
Elva Parker wears many, many hats, which is why she is so deserving of recognition. Her role spans both the grants team and the Economic Development Office, providing crucial assistance on both large and small projects. She offers direct support to grant specialists, the media specialist, and much more. Her duties include invoicing, supplying materials, and clerking multiple committees, such as the Sequoia Tourism Council, Tulare County Water Commission, and the Agriculture Advisory Committee.
The December 2024 Newsletter is out! In this edition, you will hear about the County's role in Valley Forklift Earlimart expansion, the RMA current FEMA projects, and more highlights that have happened this month. Read it now by visiting:
The RMA’s Christmas decorating contest was a festive extravaganza that brought together the creativity and holiday spirit of every employee. The office was transformed into a winter wonderland, with countless snowflakes, twinkling Christmas lights, and playful alpacas adorning the space.
After a series of atmospheric rivers devastated areas of Tulare County in early 2023, the Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA) began repairing damaged road and bridge infrastructure in unincorporated areas of Tulare County.
Grant (CDBG) Emergency Repair Program, which assists residents of unincorporated communities with emergency home repairs. The Emergency Repair Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and in 2022, the Grants and Resources team successfully secured $500,000 in grant funding for it.
Submitting a building permit online is a swift and easy process. The Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA) now provides the Citizen Self-Service Portal (CSS) to residents, developers, and builders interested in obtaining permits. To make this process even easier, we have compiled a list of steps that need to be taken before, during, and after applying online.
As the new year rolls around, we are kicking off the year with a spicy resolution, which is to find the best taco spot in Tulare County. To do that, we need your help!
On Dec. 5, Valley Forklift unveiled its new 13,200 sq. ft. facility located in Earlimart with a ribbon-cutting ceremony held alongside the Tulare County Economic Development Office and the Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
The Fiscal Services team undertakes a wide range of responsibilities, including managing budgets, overseeing payroll, and handling disaster-related invoicing. Under the guidance of Assistant Director of Fiscal and Administrative Services, Sherman Dix, C.P.A., and Fiscal Manager Karen Mabry, the team plays a crucial role in producing the Resource Management Agency’s (RMA) Annual Budget.
This year, the RMA secured a spot for Pixley in the National Capacity Builder, the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)'s grant initiative to provide essential technical assistance to communities. The grant is from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) through the Thriving Communities Program. The grant will provide technical assistance to help identify the needs of the Pixley community.
With a housing shortage affecting the State of California, the RMA has made strides in providing free, pre-approved building plans for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). ADU's are small, independent living spaces located on the same lot as a primary residential building